Android Malware up 580% in Twelve Months

TNW has an interesting breakdown on some fairly shocking news about Android malware. They contextualize the news of the skyrocketing amount of Android malware apps by pointing out most of those apps aren’t available through Google Play. These malware apps are only on third party app markets.

Here’s my problem with this analysis.

Having 175 worldwide Android markets is important for Android to be “open”, even if the overwhelming majority of the malware comes from those non-Google markets.

Makes sense, I guess.

Then there is this gem:

Android is a relatively new platform, so of course malware numbers are skyrocketing, because so are total app numbers.

Of course. Because malware is, like, unavoidable, right?

I can think of another app platform whose number of apps is skyrocketing while the number of malware apps continues to hover around zero.

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