
I’ve been working on a project at Teehan+Lax for a few months now, and I’m ready to share it with you readers. It’s called Krush and it’s a curated product-gathering app for the surf/skate/snowboard crowd. It’s geared toward helping small, indie brands gain recognition within that community.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a small overlap between this blog’s readership and the target audience. That’s OK, I’m still proud of what we’ve shipped from a technical perspective.

The app uses a collection of open source libraries, from larger ones like ReactiveCocoa to smaller ones like UIColor Utilities. It also uses a lot of first-party, hand-rolled iOS 7 technologies. These include iOS 7’s all new view controller custom presentation API and UIKit Dynamics.

Importantly, in the latest 2.2 release, it includes a “demo mode” which allows users who aren’t logged in to use the app without loggin in via Facebook or Twitter. This is an important feature to me, and I’m glad that we got it in so I can share the app with all of you. I’m also very happy with our first-run experience. Instead of having a user walk-through, we insert hints of how to use the application into the feed of products, so users learn how to use the app incrementally and naturally.

Architecturally speaking, it’s a very modern iOS application that’s been well designed and executed by my colleagues at T+L. Let me know what you think.

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