

Last month,  Tom Creighton and I participated in the 500px Pixel Hack Day to create storygram, an iPad app that takes your instagram photos and creates a photo blog post on your 500px photo blog. This is a lesson in what a designer and developer, working together under the influence of alcohol, can accomplish in just a few days.

Last Friday, during our own internal hack day, we made the iPhone version and will be submitting it as soon as possible to the store. Tom also completed the storygram website, which has won the competition for the most ridiculous thing either of us have ever done. I’m incredibly proud of this, since it’s taken us only 3 accumulative days to design and implement a feature-complete, tested iOS app.

storygram is available for free and is not finished yet - we both have some great ideas on what to do next with this and are looking forward to some more hackathon storygram action!

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